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Translated by

Wanvimol Pasanphan

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  • Research Fellow: The University of Iowa, USA.
  • Ph.D. (Polymer Science), International Program, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • M.Sc. (Nuclear Technology), Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • B.Sc. (Biology) Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Kasetsart University, Thailand

Special Research Unit:

Center of Radiation Processing for Polymer Modification and Nanotechnology (CRPN)

The CRPN has accelerated the best development of scientific and technology in the field of radiation/electron beam processing for sustainable materials and post-industrial era in Thailand. The missions of the CRPN are i) to educate and upskill the students, scientists, and young researchers, ii) to develop science, technologies, innovations and products, iii) to establish industrial linkage and transfer the developed technologies to industries, in the national and international levels, and to leaving sustainable academic platform at Kasetsart University. The low- and high energy electron beam processing for polymers/bio-based materials modification and nanotechnology towards the targeted industrial applications (agriculture, food, environment, medical, cosmetics, healthcare) have been focused for Net-zero industries.

Research Interests:

  • Polymer modifications and functional polymers
  • Biochemicals, bio-based materials, and bioplastics
  • Electron beam processing and green chemistry
  • Nanostructured polymers (nanoparticles, nanogels, self-assembly nanoparticles, non-woven nanofibers)
  • Process design using electron beam processing for industrial application
  • Bio-printing inks, coatings, hydrogels/nanogels, bio-based super water absorbent, nano-fertilizers, nano-cosmetics, functional food packaging materials, bioplastics for packaging, nanofibers.

Selected Publications

  1. Piroonpan, T., Huajaikaew, E., Kurantowicz, N., Potiyaraj, P., Pasanphan, W.*, pH-responsive chitosan nanoparticles for controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer: Template-tampering free radical graft copolymerization under energetic radiation study, European Polymer Journal 2024, 203, 112670.
  2. Taechutrakul, S., Piroonpan, T., Rurarz, B.P., Kadlubowski, S., Ulansk, P., Pasanphan, W.*, Nanogels-based ink prepared using electron beam-synthesized poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) nanogels as pigment dispersing and stabilizing agent, Progress in Organic Coatings 2024, 186, 108091.
  3. Taechutrakul, S., Piroonpan, T., Pasanphan,  W.*,Active film strips to extend the shelf life of fruits: Multibranched PLA-gallic acid as an antioxidant/oxygen scavenger in a case study of bananas (Musa AAA group), Journal of Food Engineering 2024, 364, 111794.
  4. Piroonpan, T., Rimdusit, P., Taechutrakul, S. Pasanphan, W.*, pH-Responsive Water-Soluble Chitosan Amphiphilic Core–Shell Nanoparticles: Radiation-Assisted Green Synthesis and Drug-Controlled Release Studie, Pharmaceutics 2023, 15, 847.
  5. Piroonpan, T., Booncharoen, K., Pasanphan, W.*, Sugar-core synthesized multi-branched polylactic acid and its diacrylate blends as a UV LED-curable coating with enhanced toughness and performance, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 2022, 10, 51, 17027–17042.
  6. Wongkrongsak, S., Piroonpan, T., Coqueret X., Pasanphan, W.*, Radiation-processed silk fibroin micro- /nano-gels as promising antioxidants: Electron beam treatment and physicochemical characterization, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2022, 653, 129892.
  7. Kempanichkul, A., Piroonpan, T., Kongkaoropham, P., Wongkrongsak, S., Katemake, P., Pasanphan, W.*, Electron beam-cured linseed oil – Diacrylate blends as a green alternative to overprint varnishes: Monitoring curing efficiency and surface coating properties, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2022, 199, 110350
  8. Jalilian A.R. García B.C., Pasanphan, W. Sakr, T.M., Alafort, L.M., Grasselli, M., Lugao, A.B., Yousefnia, H., Dispenza, C., Janib, S.M., Khan, I.U., Maurin, M., Ulanski, P., Loo, S.C.J., Safrany, A., Jr, J.A.O., Duatti, A., Katti, K.K., IAEA Contribution to Nanosized Targeted Radiopharmaceuticals for Drug DeliveryPharmaceutics 2022, 14, 1060.
  9. Wongkrongsak, S., Pangon, A., Pongsak, N., Piroonpan, T., Pasanphan, W.*, Strengthened silk-fibroin/poly(ethylene oxide) non-woven nanofibers: A dual green process using pure water for electrospinning and electron beam-assisted crosslinking, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 2022 10 (8), 2653-2672.
  10. Huajaikaew, E., Piroonpan, T., Booncharoen, K., Pasanphan, W.*, Comb-like poly(dodecyl methacrylate) modified SiO2 nanoparticles as nanohybrid coatings: Electron beam grafting and tuning superhydrophobic/water-repellent surface studies. Progress in Organic Coatings 2022, 163, 106658.
  11. Tangthong, T., Piroonpan, T., Thipe, V.C., Knoobchandani, M., Katti, K., Katti, K.V.*, Pasanphan, W.*. Bombesin peptide conjugated water-soluble chitosan gallate – A new nanopharmaceteutical architechture for the rapid one-pot synthesis of prostate tumor targeted gold nanoparticles, International Journal of Nanomedicine 2021, 16, 6957-6981.
  12. Pasanphan, W.,* Haema, K., Kongkaoroptham, P., Phongtamrug, S., Piroonpan., T. Glycidyl methacrylate functionalized star-shaped polylactide for electron beam modification of polylactic acid: Synthesis, irradiation effects and microwave-resistant studies, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2021, 163, 109619-106658.
  13. Tangthong, T., Piroonpan, T., Thipe, V.C., Knoobchandani, M., Katti, K., Katti, K.V.*, Pasanphan, W.*. Water-soluble chitosan conjugated DOTA-bombesin peptide capped gold nanoparticles as a targeted therapeutic agent for prostate cancerNanotechnology, Science and Applications2021, 14, 69–89.
  14. Kongkaoroptham, P., Piroonpan, T., Pasanphan, W.*, Chitosan nanoparticles based on their derivatives as antioxidant and antibacterial additives for active bioplastic packaging, Carbohydrate Polymers 2021, 257, 117610.
  15. Piroonpan, P., Huajaikaew, E., Katemake, P., Pasanphan, W.*, Surface Modification of SiO2 Nanoparticles with PDMAEMA Brushes and Ag Nanoparticles as Antifungal Coatings using Electron Beam Assisted Synthesis, Materials Chemistry and Physics 2020, 253, 123438.
  16. Piroonpan, T., Katemakea, P., Pasanphan, W.*, Comparative study of different chitosan solutions to assist the green synthesis of gold nanoparticles under irradiation, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2020, 169, 108250.


  1.  25th Thailand Toray Science Foundation (TTSF) Award and Grant: “Development of hydro & nanogels from bio-based materials as soil amendments approaching to smart farming system”, From Cooperation of Toray Industries, Inc. (Japan) and Toray Group Company in Thailand. At The Attenee Hotel Bangkok, March 8th, 2019.
  2. Royal Award: International Young Nuclear Scientist Award (YNST) “Radiation Chemistry and Material Sciences”, from Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, in the International Nuclear Science and Technology Conference 2016 (August 2nd-4th, 2016), Organized by Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization).                                   .
  3. The Best Paper Award (Oral Presentation). Pasanphan, W., Tangthong, T. and Suwanmala, P. Aqueous Chitosan Derivative Performance for γ-Ray Generated Chitosan-g-PE: An Approach for Absorbent Membrane. The 7th Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (November 17th-22nd, 2009)
  4. The 1st Prize, Thailand Innovation Awards 2007 (supported by NIA and PTT Chemical Co., Ltd.                             and Ministry of Science and Technology)Development of Chitosan-CopperBased Material for Application in Breeding Inhibitor of Apple Snails.,Thailand Innovation Award 2007 Bangkok, Thailand.
  5. The 3rd Prize, Business Planning, Thailand Innovation Award 2007 (supported by PTT Chemical Co., Ltd. and Ministry of Science and Technology)

International networks/collaboration

  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), United Nations, Austria
  • Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France
  • Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB), National Research Council of Italy (CRN), Italy
  • National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), Japan
  • Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Korea
  • Lodz University of Technology, Poland
  • Hacettepe University, Turkey
  • The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
  • University of Missouri, USA.
  • Texas A&M University, USA.