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Translated by

Chanapa Kongmark


  • D.E.U.G.(Sciences de la Matière) Université Lille 1, France
  • M.S.T.(Physico-Chimie et Economie de l’Energétique) Université Lille 1, France
  • Master (Matiere Condensée) Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille, France
  • Doctorat (Molecules et Matière Condensée) Université Lille 1 France

Research interests:

Novel materials, ceramics and catalysts. Relationship between structure and properties of materials.
In-situ studies of structural evolution of materials during chemical reactions.

Our research focuses on the development of advanced materials for energy and environment applications such as electrode materials for flexible supercapacitors, various catalysts for the photodegradation of organic compounds in wastewater, the upgrading of vegetable oil to biofuel, and the valorization of greenhouse gases into value-added products (i.e. CNTs and H2 production via catalytic decomposition of methane, CO2 hydrogenation to light olefins).

The scientific challenge is the elucidation of structure-property relationships to understand the fundamental concepts underlying the observed optical, electrical, magnetic, and catalytic properties of materials. The atomic-scale structures (crystalline and amorphous phases) are studied in detail by X-ray diffraction and synchrotron techniques (e.g. X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, X-ray scattering). In addition, we investigate the structural changes during synthesis or chemical reactions under operating conditions using in-situ technique.

Therefore, the improvement of material performance can be achieved by tailoring their structures through appropriate synthesis methods and conditions, with an ultimate ambition to create new materials with desired properties and functionality.

Research collaborations: Synchrotron Light Research Institute, National Nanotechnology Center, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus, Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), University College London (UK), National Graduate School of Engineering Chemistry of Lille (France).

Student research projects 2020: Development of nanometal oxide electrodes for flexible supercapacitors (การพัฒนาขั้วไฟฟ้าวัสดุนาโนโลหะออกไซด์สำหรับตัวเก็บประจุยิ่งยวดแบบพับงอได้)


  • Roles of supports on reducibility and activities of Cu3P catalysts for deoxygenation of oleic acid: In situ XRD and XAS studies, N. Kochaputi, P. Khemthong, P. Kasamechonchung, T. Butburee, W. Limphirat, Y. Poo-arporn, S. Kuboon, K. Faungnawakij and C. Kongmark, Molecular Catalysis2022, 523, 111425.
  • Correlating the effect of preparation methods on the structural and magnetic properties, and reducibility of CuFe2O4 catalysts, R. Khunphonoi, P. Khemthong, C. Luadthong, S. Kuboon, C. Kongmark, N. Viriya-empikul, P. Kidkhunthod, S. Pinitsoontorn and K. Faungnawakij, RSC Advances, 2022, 15526-15533.
  • Enhanced visible light response of TiO2 nanoparticles by natural dyes, V. Somsongkul, P. Chirawatkul and C. Kongmark,  ScienceAsia2021, 47S, 69-75.
  • Development of magnetic recyclable spinel photocatalysts with enhanced sunlight-driven degradation of industrial dyes, T. Tangcharoen, J. T-Thienprasert and C. Kongmark,  Journal of the American Ceramic Society2021, 104(7), 3695-3714.
  • Photocatalytic performance of Fe-substituted ZnAl2O4 powders under sunlight irradiation on degradation of industrial dyes, T. Tangcharoen, J. T-Thienprasert and C. Kongmark,  International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology2021, 18(4), 1125-1143.
  • Cation exchange in Ni–Cu–Zn aluminate spinels revealed by EXAFS, T. Tangcharoen, W. Klysubun, J. T-Thienprasert and C. Kongmark, Journal of Solid State Chemistry2020, 292, 121695.
  • Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline CuO/ZnO composite powders with enhanced photodegradation performance under sunlight irradiation, T. Tangcharoen, W. Klysubun and C. Kongmark, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics2020, 31, 12807-12822.
  • In Situ X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Probing-Phase Evolution of CuFe2O4 in Nanospace Confinement, P. Khemthong, C. Kongmark, N. Kochaputi, S. Mahakot, S. Rodporn and K. Faungnawakij, Inorganic Chemistry2019, 58, 6584-6587.
  • Catalytic Behaviors of Supported Cu, Ni, and Co Phosphide Catalysts for Deoxygenation of Oleic Acid, N. Kochaputi, C. Kongmark, P. Khemthong, T. Butburee, S. Kuboon, A. Worayingyong and K. Faungnawakij, Catalysts2019, 9(9), 715.
  • Effect of calcination temperature on structural and optical properties of MAl2O4 (M = Ni, Cu, Zn) aluminate spinel nanoparticles, T. Tangcharoen, J. T-Thienprasert, C. Kongmark, Journal of Advanced Ceramics2019, 8(3), 352-366.
  • Synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy and cation distribution studies of NiAl2O4, CuAl2O4, and ZnAl2O4 nanoparticles synthesized by sol-gel auto combustion method, T. Tangcharoen, W. Klysubun and C. Kongmark, Journal of Molecular Structure2019, 1182, 219-229.
  • Optical properties and versatile photocatalytic degradation ability of MAl2O4 (M = Ni, Cu, Zn) aluminate spinel nanoparticles, T. Tangcharoen, J. T‑Thienprasert and C. Kongmark, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics2018, 29, 8995–9006.
  • Synthesis of nanocrystalline NiO/ZnO heterostructured composite powders by sol-gel auto combustion method and their characterizations, T. Tangcharoen, W. Klysubun and C. Kongmark, Journal of Molecular Structure2018, 1156, 524.
  • Effects of Potassium and Manganese Promoters on Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube-Supported Iron Catalysts for CO2 Hydrogenation, P. Kangvansura, L. M. Chew, C. Kongmark, P. Santawaja, H. Ruland, W. Xia, H. Schulz, A. Worayingyong and M. Muhler, Engineering2017, 3, 385.
  • SUT-NANOTEC-SLRI beamline for X-ray absorption spectroscopy, W. Klysubun, P. Kidkhunthod, P. Tarawarakarn, P. Sombunchoo, C. Kongmark, S. Limpijumnong, S. Rujirawat, R. Yimnirun, G. Tumcharern and K. Faungnawakij, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation2017, 24, 707.
  • Synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of disordered cation distribution of nanosized zinc ferrite powders, T. Tangcharoen, C. Kongmark, W. Klysubun and W. Pecharapa, International Journal of Nanotechnology2016, 13, 545.
  • Catalytic remediation of phenol contaminated wastewater using Cu-Zn hydroxide nitrate, A. Srikhaow, S. M. Smith, K. Uraisin, K. Suttiponparnit, C. Kongmark and C. Chuaicham, RSC Advances2016, 6, 36766.
  • Synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of the local atomic structures and cation ordering in perovskite- and spinel-type zinc stannate synthesized by co-precipitation method, T. Tangcharoen, C. Kongmark and W. Pecharapa, Journal of Molecular Structure2015, 1102, 95.
  • The Effects of Metal Ions in Euphorbia cf. lactea Latex on the Fibrinogenolytic Activity of a Plant Protease, J. Siritapetawee, W. Limphirat, C. Kantachot and C. Kongmark, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology2015, 175, 232.
  • Synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy and magnetic characteristics studies of metal ferrites (metal = Ni, Mn, Cu) synthesized by sol–gel auto-combustion method, T. Tangcharoen, W. Klysubun, C. Kongmark and W. Pecharapa, Physica Status Solidi (a)2014, 211, 1903.
  • X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies of Cu(2-x)ZnxP2O7 Binary Pyrophosphates, R. Baitahe, C. Kongmark, R. Muanghlua, P. Seeharaj and N. Vittayakorn, Ferroelectrics2013, 453, 100.
  • Performance and status of beamline BL8 at SLRI for X-ray absorption spectroscopy, W. Klysubun, P. Sombunchoo, W. Deenan and C. Kongmark, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation2012, 19, 930.
  • A comprehensive scenario of the crystal growth of γ‑Bi2MoO6 Catalyst during Hydrothermal Synthesis, C. Kongmark, R. Coulter, S. Cristol, A. Rubbens, C. Pirovano, A. Löfberg, G. Sankar, W. van Beek, E. Bordes-Richard, and R.-N. Vannier, Crystal Growth & Design2012, 12, 59994.
  • Synthesis of g-Bi2MoO6 catalyst studied by combined high-resolution powder diffraction, XANES and Raman spectroscopy, C. Kongmark, V. Martis, C. Pirovano, A. Löfberg, W. van Beek, G. Sankar, A. Rubbens, S. Cristol, R.-N. Vannier, E. Bordes-Richard, Catalysis Today2010, 157, 257.
  • Elucidating the genesis of Bi2MoO6 catalyst by combination of synchrotron radiation experiments and Raman scattering, C. Kongmark, V. Martis, A. Rubbens, C. Pirovano, A. Löfberg, G. Sankar, E. Bordes-Richard, R.-N. Vannier, W. van Beek, Chemical Communications2009, 32, 4850.
  • Local environmentinBa2In2-xWxO5+3x/2 oxide ion conductors, S. Daviero-Minaud, A. Rolle, C. Kongmark, R.-N. Vannier, Journal of Solid State Chemistry2009, 182, 289-294.
  • Pressure study of superconductivity and magnetism in pure and Rh-doped RuSr2GdCu2O8 materials, M. Steiger, C. Kongmark, F. Rueckert, L. Harding, M.S. Torikachvili, Physica C2007, 453, 24-30.