- B.S.(Chemistry) Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
- M.S.(Chemistry) University of Houston, U.S.A.,
- Ph.D.(Chemistry) University of Aberdeen, U.K.,
- DAAD Research Fellow: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
Research interests:
Nanomaterials for Renewable Energy and Environmental Remediation.
Nanocatalysts for Renewable Energy: Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis (FTS)
The Fischer-Tropsch reaction is a synthetic route producing hydrocarbons from carbonmonoxide and hydrogen (syngas) in the presence of Co or Fe. The FTS hydrocarbon product composition reflecting a complex set of catalytic surface reactions changes with time on stream. Therefore changes of product composition during FT synthesis together with FT catalyst characterization can be used for the explanation of FTS steady state and catalytic activity, which are of our research interests.
Photocatalysts for Environmental Remediation: TiO2, Metal doped TiO2 Nanoporous
Rare earth metals doped into TiO2 to extend the absorption range into the visible region, together with photoelectrochemical (PEC) systems are used for an efficient photocatalytic reaction. To improve the performance of PEC systems based on semiconducting TiO2, a detailed mechanistic understanding is needed. Our group works on characterization of nanoporous TiO2 and metal-doped TiO2 film electrodes by the PEC method. The film electrodes will be used for chemical waste treatment in industries.
Selected Publications
1. Ce-doped nanoparticles of TiO2: rutile-to-brookite phase transition and evolution of Ce local-structure studied with XRD and XANES, S. Kityakarn, A. Worayingyong, A. Suramitr, M. F. Smith, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 139, 543-549.
2. (Photo)Electrochemical characterization of nanoporous TiO2 and Ce-doped TiO2 sol-gel film electrodes, Sutasinee Kityakarn, Yingyot Pooarporn, Prayoon Songsiriritthigul, Attera Worayingyong, Simone Robl, Andre M. Braun, Michael Woerner, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 83, 113-124.
3. Structural characterizations of sol-gel synthesized TiO2 and Ce/TiO2 nanostructures, A. Niltharach, S. Kityakarn, A. Worayingyong, J.T-Thienprasert, W. Klysubun, P. Songsiriritthigul, S. Limpijumnong, Physica B, 2012, 407, 2915-2918.
4. Determination of phase ratio in polymorphic materials by x-ray absorption spectroscopy: The case of anatase and rutile phase mixture in TiO2, M.F. Smith, W. Klysubun, S. Kityakarn, A. Worayingyong, S.B. Zhang, S.H. Wei, D. Onkaw, P. Songsiriritthigul, S. Rujirawat, S. Limpijumnong, Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 105, 024308